Friday, November 11, 2016

Top 5 Issues Being Addressed By Cause Shirts

knitted tie

Cause shirts knitted tie or statement shirts are very popular today. These shirts are very special since they contain text or images that raise the awareness for various causes. There are so many problems which are being experienced in the world today and the sad part is that a lot of people are not aware of such problems. That could be the reason why those problems are not being dealt with properly.

Through statement shirts knitted tie , more individuals will be more aware of the growing problems around the world. Foundations that sell such shirts usually give a huge part of their sales to charity foundations. The following are the top problems that are being addressed by statement shirts:

• Global warming - The signs of global warming are becoming more and more event as the years pass. Because of this, a lot of groups are making efforts to prevent global warming. Educating people with the use of cause shirts are very effective. For example, there are shirts out there that encourage people to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

• Animal extinction - "No animals were killed to make this shirt" - this is just one example of a cause shirt against animal extinction. Today, a lot of animals are already considered as extinct. Their extinction is mainly caused by poachers or illegal hunters. There are so many species around the world that are at the brink of extinction and they will eventually disappear if illegal hunting will not stop. Statement shirts encourage the conservation of endangered species. Some shirts encourage people to stop buying products made from the skin of endangered animals.

• Slavery - Slavery still exists today in the form of human trafficking. Human traffickers earn more than thirty billion dollars through this illegal trade. The sad news is that even kids are being exploited not only for labor but also for sexual purposes. As Abraham Lincoln fought for freedom, a lot of people are fighting for freedom as well. A shirt, where the word "freedom" is printed, is very common. People have the right to freedom. That is probably the reason why cause shirts that promote human rights are very popular.

• Starvation - Starvation is widespread especially in third world countries. While a lot of people much on their hamburgers and fries, there are others in various parts of the world who have nothing to it. Statement shirts address to the issue of starvation. Most manufacturers of cause shirts are willing to give more than fifty percent of their sales just so food will be sent to the starving parts of the world.

Tag : knitted tie

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